How To Juice
| |The first step to juicing, or learning how to juice, that any person should take is investing in a quality juicing machine. Why is this important? A juicer will save you a lot of time and frustration with trying to extract the juice from fruit or vegetables using old school methods.
You can find great juicers at local stores for $50 to $200 dollars or at your neighborhood thrift store for under $30. If you’re seriously interested in juicing you should spend the money on a “higher-end” juicer that comes with different blades and more features because, you will then be able to juice fruit and vegetables more effectively without having to chop anything up.
Getting Started With Juicing
You should also wash your juicers components thoroughly before the first use to insure that it’s clean and germ free.
Fruit and Vegetable Cleaner
After you’ve successfully assembled your juicer and are ready to get started with juicing you should next prepare a fruit and vegetable cleaner to clean your fruits and vegetables before juicing.
To prepare your own cleaner all you have to do is fill a spray bottle with an equal ratio of water and vinegar. This step is important because, it will help you to clean any chemicals off your fruits and vegetables before juicing.
After you use your new fruit and vegetable cleaner you should rinse your fruit and vegetables under water for a few seconds then let them dry before juicing.
What Should You Juice?
What you juice is all based on your personal preference so you should start with juicing the fruits and vegetables that you already love eating on a regular basis like apples or oranges. Some fruits like bananas can’t be juiced because; they are too “mushy” so you should only juice fruits or veggies that you can’t extract juice from.
Last of all, make sure that you save the pulp from the fruits and vegetables that you juice because; you can use the pulp for baking delicious muffins, cakes or add that pulp to your salads.